PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (* indicate student-led publications)

73Locke, D., Ossola, A., Schmit, J.P., Grove, M., 2025. Sub-parcel scale analysis is needed to capture socially-driven canopy cover change in Baltimore, MD. Landscape and Urban Planning 253: 105187. 
71Escobedo, F., Yadav, K., Ossola, A., Klein, R., Drury, S., 2024. Urban forest cover and ecosystem service response to fire varies across California communities. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 101: 128547, 
70*Lloyd, G., Ossola, A., Burley, H., Evans, K., 2024. Climate change threatens the carbon storage capacity of Europe’s urban trees. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 101: 128532, 
69Yeager, R., Keith, R., Riggs, D. W., Fleischer, D., Browning, M.E.H.M., Ossola, A., Chandler, C., Walker, K., Hart, J.H., Srivastava, S., Rai, S., Smith, T., Bhatnagar, A., 2024. Intra-neighborhood associations between residential greenness and blood pressure. Science of the Total Environment, 946:173788, 
68Mantova, M., Johnson, D., Beery, S., Feng, X., Feuer, E., Gersony, J., Hammond, W., John, G., Miller, B., Nibbelink, C., Ossola, A., Paquette, A., Rademacher, T., Rissanen, K., Skelton, R., Wilkening, J., Preisler, Y., 2024. Monitoring urban trees across the world. Report from the Urban Trees Ecophysiology Network (UTEN) inaugural workshop. New Phytologist, 242(5):1881-1885, 
67*Das, S., Ossola, A., Beaumont, L., 2024. Records of urban occurrences expand estimates of the climate niches of tree species. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33(4): e13809, 
66*Stevens, H., Graham, P., Beggs, P., Ossola, A., 2024. Associations between violent crime inside and outside, air temperature, urban heat island magnitude, and urban green space. International Journal of Biometeorology, 68: 661–673, 
65Frantzeskaki, N., Bush, J., Adams, C., Bellato, L., Kendal, D., Ossola, A., Oke, C., 2024. Pathways for restoring and connecting with nature in Australian cities. In Frantzeskaki, N., Pineda-Pinto, M., Newton, P., Moglia, M., Prasad, L., Future cities making: Mission-oriented research for urban sustainability transitions in Australia. Pp 177-196. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-981-97-7670-2. 
64Ossola, A., Lin, B., 2024. Accelerating climate innovation in cities. In Frantzeskaki, N., Pineda-Pinto, M., Newton, P., Moglia, M., Prasad, L., Future cities making: Mission-oriented research for urban sustainability transitions in Australia. Pp 79-90. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-981-97-7670-2. 
63Browning, M.H.E.M., Locke, D. Konijnendijk, C., Labib, S.M., Rigolon, A., Yeager, R., Bardhan, M., Berland, A., Dadvand, P., Helbich, M., Li, F., Li, H., James, P., Klompmaker, J., Reuben, A., Roman, L. Patwary, M., O'Neil-Dunne, J., Ossola, A., Wang, R., Yang, B., Yi, L. Zhang, J., Nieuwenhuijsenet, M., 2023. Measuring the 3-30-300 Rule to Help Cities Meet Nature Access Thresholds. Science of the Total Environment, 167739. 
62Ossola, A., Yu, M., Bustamante, H., Uthayakumaran, L., Le Roux, J., Leishman, M.R., 2023. Research note: Integrating big data to predict tree root blockages across sewer networks. Landscape and Urban Planning, 240, 104892.  
61 Kingsley, J., Litt, J., Shimpo, N., Blythe, C., Vavra, J., Caputo, S., Milbourne, P., Diekmann, L.O., Rose, N., Fox-Kämper, R., van den Berg, A., Metson, G.S., Ossola, A., Feng, X., Astell-Burt, T., Baker, A., Lin, B., Egerer, M., Marsh, P., Pettitt, P., Scott, T., Alaimo, K., Neale, K., Glover, T., Byrne, J., Donati, K., 2023. Pandemic gardening: A narrative review, vignettes and implications for future research. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 87:128062 
60Shabani, F., Shafapourtehrany, M., Ahmadi, M., Kalantar, B., Özener, H., Clancy, K., Esmaeili, A., Siqueira da Silva, R., Beaumont, L., Llewelyn, J., Jones, S., Murray, B., Ossola, A., 2023. Habitats in flames: how climate change will affect fire risk across koala forests. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 103331. 
59Yeager, R., Browning, M.H.E.M., Breyer, E., Ossola, A., Larson, L., Riggs, D.W., Chandler, C., Rigolon, A., Fleischer, d., Keith, R., Hart, J., Walker, K., Smith, T., Bhatnagar, A., 2023. Greenness and socioeconomic status: complexity of intra-neighborhood context and equity of residential planting implementation. Environment International, 176:107955. 
58Bush, J., Frantzeskaki, N., Ossola, A., Pineda-Pinto, M., 2023. Mainstreaming nature-based solutions: perspectives from Australian cities. Nature Based Solutions, 3:100065 
57Tabassum, S., Beaumont, L.J., Shabani, F., Staas, L., Griffiths, G., Ossola, A., Leishman, M.R., 2023. Which Plant Where: a plant selection tool for changing urban climates. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry,  49 (4), 190-210.  
56Manea, A., Tabassum, S., Lambert, M., Cinantya, A., Ossola, A., Leishman, M.R., 2023. Biochar, but not soil microbial additives, increase the resilience of urban plant species to low water availability. Urban Ecosystems.  
55*Cinantya, A., Manea, A., Ossola, A., Leishman, M.R., 2023. Biostimulant application practices in Australian urban forestry. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 
54Diekmann, L., Cortez, S.J., Marsh, P., Kingsley, J., Egerer, M., Lin, B.L., Ossola, A.,  2023. Californians seek food security, connection, and solace in their gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic. California Agriculture.  
53*Croeser, T., Garrard, G., Visentin, C., Kirk, H., Ossola, A., Furlong, C., Clements, R., Butt, A., Taylor, E., Bekessy, S., 2022. Reducing street parking could free up large areas for urban nature. NPJ Urban Sustainability, 2:27: 
52Farrell, C., Livesley, S.J., Arndt, S., Beaumont, L., Burley, H., Ellsworth, D., Esperon-Rodriguez, M., Fletcher, T., Gallagher, R., Ossola, A., Power, S., Marchin, R., Rayner, J.P., Rymer, P.D., Staas, L., Szota, C., Williams, N.S.G., Leishman, M., 2022. Can we integrate ecological approaches to improve plant selection for green infrastructure in a changing climate? Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 76: 217732 
51Kingsley, J., O Diekmann, L., Egerer, M., Lin, B., Ossola, A., Marsh, P., 2022. Experiences of gardening during COVID-19. Health and Place, 76: 102854. 
50*Guenat, S., Purnell, P., Davies, Z.G., Nawrath, M., Stringer, L.C., Babu, G.R., Balasubramanian, M., Ballantyne, E.E.F., Bylappa, B.K., Chen, B., De Jager, P., Del Prete, A., Di Nuovo, A., Ehi-Eromosele, C.O., Eskandari Torbaghan, M., Evans, K.L., Fraundorfer, M., Haouas, W., Izunobi, J.U., Jauregui-Correa, J.C., Kaddouh, B.Y., Lewycka, S., MacIntosh, A.C, Mady, C., Maple, C., Mhiret, W.N., Mohammed-Amin, R.K., Olawole, O.C., Oluseyi, T., Orfila, C., Ossola, A., Pfeifer, M., Pridmore, T., Rijal, M.L., Rega-Brodsky, C.C., Robertson, I.D., Rogers, C.D.F., Rougé, C., Rumaney, M.B., Seeletso, M.K., Shaqura, M.Z., Suresh, L.M., Sweeting, M.N., Taylor Buck, N., Ukwuru, M.U., Verbeek, T., Voss, H., Wadud, Z., Wang, X., Winn, N., Dallimer, M., 2022. Meeting sustainable development goals via robotics and autonomous systems. Nature Communications, 13: 3559. 
49Kotze, J., Lowe, L., MacIvor, S., Ossola, A., Norton, B., Hochuli, D., Mata, L., Moretti, M., Gagné, S., Handa, T.I., Jones, T., Threlfall, C., Hahs, A., 2022. Urban forest invertebrates: How they shape and respond to the urban environment. Urban Ecosystems, 25:1589–1609   
48Frantzeskaki, N., Oke , C., Barnett, G., Bekessy, S., Bush, J., Fitzsimons, J., Ignatieva, M., Kendal, D., Kingsley, J., Mumaw, L., Ossola, A., 2022. A transformative mission for prioritising nature in Australian cities. Ambio, 51:1433–1445.  
47Egerer, M., Lin, B., Kingsley, J., Marsh, P., Diekmann, L., Ossola, A., 2022. Gardening can relieve human stress and boost nature connection during the COVID-19 pandemic. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 68, 127483. 
46Frantzeskaki, N., Ossola, A., Bush, J., 2022. Nature-based solutions for changing urban landscapes: Lessons from Australia. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 73: 127611. 
45Marchin, R.M., Backes, D., Tjoelker, M.G., Ossola, A., Leishman, M., Ellsworth, D., 2022. Extreme heat increases stomatal conductance and drought-induced mortality risk in vulnerable plant species. Global Change Biology, 28(3):1133-1146.  
44Locke, D., Ossola, A., Minor, E., Lin, B., 2022. Spatial contagion structures urban vegetation from parcel to landscape. People and Nature, 4(1):88-102. 
43Lin, B., Egerer, M., Kingsley, J., Marsh, P., Diekmann, L., Ossola, A., 2021. COVID-19 gardening may plant the seeds for a greener, healthier future. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19: 491–93. 
42Ossola, A., Jenerette, D., McGrawth, A., Chow, W., Hughes, L., Leishman, M.L., 2021. Small vegetated patches greatly reduce urban surface temperature during a summer heatwave in Adelaide, Australia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 209, 104046. 
41Marsh, P., O Diekmann, L., Egerer, M., Lin, B., Ossola, A., Kingsley, J., 2021. Where Birds Felt Louder: gardens as refuges during COVID-19. Wellbeing, Space & Society, 2: 100055.  
40*Croeser, T., Garrard, G., Sharma, R., Ossola, A., Bekessy, S., 2021. Choosing the right nature-based solutions to meet diverse urban challenges. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 65: 127337.  
39Ossola, A., Lin, B., 2021. Making Nature-Based Solutions “climate-ready” for the 50°C world. Environmental Science and Policy, 123: 151-159. 
38Tabassum, S., Manea, A., Ossola, A., Buyani, T., Blackham, D., Leishman, M.R., 2021. The angriest summer on record: assessing canopy damage and economic costs of an extreme climatic event. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 63: 127221.  
37Lin, B., Ossola, A., Ripple, W., Alberti, M., Andersson, E., Bai, X., Dobbs, C., Elmqvist, T., Evans, K.L., Frantzeskaki, N., Fuller, R., Gaston. K.J., Haase, D., Jim, C.Y., Konijnendijk, C., Nagendra, H., Niemelä, J., McPhearson, T., Moomaw, W.R., Parnell, S., Pataki, D., Tan, P.Y., 2021. Integrating solutions to adapt cities for climate change. The Lancet Planetary Health, 5(7): e479–e486.  
36Goddard, M., Davies, Z.G., Guenat, S., Ferguson, M., Fisher, J.C., Lones, J., Akanni, A., Ahjokoski, T., Anderson, P., Angeoletto, F., Antoniou, C., Bates, A., Barkwith, A., Berland, A., Bouch, C., Brodsky, C., Byrne, L., Cameron, D., Canavan, R., Capão, L., Castro Gomes, J., Chapman, T., Connop, S., Cook, M., Crossland, S., Dade, M., Dawson, D., Dobbs, C., Downs, C., Dunsford, D., Ellis, E., Escobedo, F.J., Fisher, M., Frith, M., Gobster, P., Grant, G., Gulsrud, N.M., Guneralp, B., Hahs, A., Hale, J., Haskell, J., Hassall, C., Hedblom, M., Hostetler, M., Hochuli, D., Huston, D., Ignatieva, M., Inkinen, T., Ioja, C., Jones, M., Kendal, D., Knowland, T., Konijnendijk, C., Kowarik, I., Lerman, S., Little, W., Longman, M., MacGregor-Fors, I., Manning, P., Martínez del Rey, V., Massini, P., McLean, S., Mkwambisi, D., Ossola, A., Pérez Luque, G., Pérez-Urrestarazu, L., Perini, K., Perry, G., Pett, T., Plummer, K., Radji, R.P., Roll, U., Potts, S., Richardson, O., Rumble, H., Sadler, J., de Saille, S., Sautter, S., Scott, C., Shaw, R., Shute, R., Shwartz, A., Smith, T., Snep, R., Soulsbury, C., Stanley, M., Sullivan, J., Taneva, G., Van de Voorde, T., Venn, S., Warren, P., Washbourne, C., Weber-Siwirska, M., Whitling, M., Williams, N., Wilson, M., Yang, J., Yeshitela, K., Yocom, K., Zipperer, W, Dallimer, M., 2021. A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 5:219-230.  
35Ossola, A., Cadenasso, M., Meineke, E., 2021. Valuing the role of time in urban ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9:620620. Special Issue ‘Historical Legacies of Land Use in Cities; Parks, Open Spaces and Potential for Green Infrastructure- Ideas of City Nature in an Urbanizing Planet’.    
34Egerer, M., Haase, D., McPherson, T., Frantzeskaki, N., Andersson, E., Nagendra, H., Ossola, A., 2021. Urban change as an untapped opportunity for climate adaptation. NPJ Urban Sustainability, 1:22, 
33Threlfall, C., Marzinelli, E.M., Ossola, A., Bugnot, A., Bishop, M., Lowe, L., Imberger, S., Myers, S., Steinberg, PD., Dafforn, K., 2021. Towards cross-realm management of coastal urban ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19(4):225-233.  
32Tabassum, S., Ossola, A., Marchin, R., Ellsworth, D., Leishman, M., 2021. Assessing the relationship between trait-based and horticultural classifications of plant responses to drought. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 61:127109.  
31Kingsley, J., Egerer, M., Nuttman, S., Keniger, L., Pettitt, P., Frantzeskaki, N., Gray, T., Ossola, A., Lin, B., Bailey, A., Tracey, D., Barron, S., Marsh, P., 2021. Urban agriculture as a Nature-Based Solution to address socio-ecological challenges in Australian cities. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 60: 127059.  
30Tabassum, S., Ossola, A., Manea, A., Cinantya, A., Fernandez-Winzer, L., Leishman, M.R., 2020 Using ecological knowledge for landscaping with plants in cities. Ecological Engineering, 158, 106049. 
29Ossola, A., Hoeppner, J.M., Burley, H., Gallagher, R.V., Beaumont, L.J., Leishman, M.R., 2020. The Global Urban Tree Inventory: A database of the diverse tree flora that inhabits the world’s cities. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29:1907-1914. 
28Marchin, R.M., Ossola, A., Leishman, M., Ellsworth, D., 2020. A simple method to simulate drought on plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1715. This manuscript was selected among 3,800+ others to be included with other 17 contributions in the Frontiers in Plant Science: 2020 Highlights Book. 
27*Kurylo, J., Threlfall, C., Parris, K., Ossola, A., Williams, N.S.W., Evans, K.L., 2020. Butterfly richness and abundance along a gradient of imperviousness and the importance of matrix quality. Ecological Applications, 30(7) e02144. 
26Le Roux, J., Leishman, M.R., Cinantya, A., Gufu, G., Hirsch, H., Keet, J.-H., Manea, A., Saul, W.-C., Tabassum, S., Warrington, S., Yannelli, F., Ossola, A., 2020. Plant biodiversity in the face of global change. Current Biology, 30, R371–R392. 
25Jeliazkov, A., Mijatovic, D., Chantepie, S., Andrew, N., Arlettaz, R., Barbaro, L., Barsoum, N., Bartonova, A., Belskaya, E., Bonada, N., Brind'Amour, A., Carvalho, R., Castro, H., Chmura, D., Choler, P., Chong-Seng, K., Cleary, D., Cormont, A., Cornwell, W., de Campos, R., de Voogd, N., Doledec, S., Drew, J., Dziock, F., Eallonardo, A., Edgar, M.J., Farneda, F., Hernandez, F.D., Frenette-Dussault, C., Fried, G., Gallardo, B., Gibb, H., Gonçalves-Souza, T., Higuti, J., Humbert, J-Y., Krasnov, B.R., Saux, E.L., Lindo, Z., Lopez-Baucells, A., Lowe, E., Marteinsdottir, B., Martens, K., Meffert, P., Mellado-Díaz, A., Menz, M., Meyer, C., Miranda, J.R., Mouillot, D., Ossola, A., Pakeman, R., Pavoine, S., Pekin, B., Pino, J., Pocheville, A., Pomati, F., Poschlod, P., Prentice, H., Purschke, O., Raevel, V., Reitalu, T., Renema, W., Ribera, I., Robinson, N., Robroek, B., Rocha, R., Shieh, S-H., Spake, R., Staniaszek-Kik, M., Stanko, M., Tejerina-Garro, F.L., Braak, C.t., Urban, M.C., Klink, R. v., Villéger, S., Wegman, R., Westgate, M., Wolff, J., Żarnowiec, J., Zolotarev, M., Chase, J.M., 2020. A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space. Scientific Data, 7:6. 
24Ossola, A., Locke, D., Lin, B., Minor, E., 2019. Yards increase forest connectivity in urban landscapes. Landscape Ecology. 34, 2935–2948. 
23Burley, H., Beaumont, L., Ossola, A., Baumgartner, J., Gallagher, R., Laffan, S., Esperon-Rodriguez, M., Manea, A., Leishman, M., 2019. Substantial declines in urban tree habitat predicted under climate change. Science of the Total Environment, 685: 451-462 
22Ossola, A., Locke, D., Lin, B., Minor, E., 2019. Greening in style: Urban form, architecture and the structure of front and backyard vegetation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 185: 141-157. 
21Ossola, A., Egerer, M., Lin, B., Rook, G., Setälä, H., 2018. Lost food narratives can grow human health in cities. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(10): 560-562. 
20Lin, B., Egerer, M., Ossola, A., 2018. Urban gardens as a space to engender biophilia: Evidence and ways forward. Frontiers in the Build Environment, vol.4, Art.79. 
19Ossola, A., Hopton, M., 2018. Measuring tree loss dynamics across residential landscapes. Science of the Total Environment, 612:940-949. 
18Ossola, A., Schifman, L.A., Herrmann, D., Garmestani, A., Schwarz, K., Hopton, M., 2018. The provision of urban ecosystem services throughout the private-social-public domain: A conceptual framework. Cities and the Environment, 11(1):art. 5. 
17Ossola, A., Hopton, M., 2018. Climate differentiates forest structure across a residential macrosystem. Science of the Total Environment, 639:1164-1174. 
16*Egerer, M., Ossola, A., Lin, B., 2018. Creating socio-ecological novelty in urban agro-ecosystems from the ground up. BioScience, 68 (1):25-34.  
15*Ossola, A., Niemelä, J., 2018. Urban Biodiversity: from Research to Practice. Routledge, London and New York. ISBN: 9781138224391 
14*Ossola, A., Irlich, U., Niemelä, J., 2018. Bringing urban biodiversity research into practice. In Ossola, A., Niemelä, J. (Eds.). Urban Biodiversity: from Research to Practice. Routledge, London and New York. 
13Schifman, L.A., Herrmann, D.L., Shuster, W.D., Ossola, A., Garmestani, A., Hopton, M., 2017. Situating Green Infrastructure in Context: A Framework for Adaptive Socio-Hydrology in Cities. Water Resources Research, 53. Special issue “Socio-hydrology: Spatial and temporal dynamics of coupled human-water systems”. 
12*Ossola, A., Aponte, C., Hahs, A.K., Livesley, S.J. 2017. Contrasting effects of urban habitat complexity on metabolic functional diversity and composition of litter and soil bacterial communities. Urban Ecosystems, 20: 595-607. 
11*Ossola, A., Nyman, P., 2017. Aridity indices predict organic matter decomposition and comminution processes at landscape scale. Ecological Indicators, 78:531-540. 
10*Ossola, A., Hahs, A.K., Nash, M.A., Livesley, S.J., 2016. Habitat complexity enhances comminution and decomposition processes in urban ecosystems. Ecosystems, 19(5):927-941  
9*Threlfall§, C., Ossola§, A., Hahs, A.K., Williams, N.S.G., Wilson, L., Livesley, S.J., 2016. Variation in vegetation structure and composition across urban green space types. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4:66. §first joint authorship 
8*Ossola, A., Livesley, S.J., 2016. Drivers of soil heterogeneity in the urban landscape. pp 19-41, In Francis, R.A., Millington, J., Chadwick, M. A. (Eds.), Urban Landscape Ecology: Science, Policy and Practice. Routledge, New York.  ISBN: 978-1-13-888851-7 
7Livesley, S.J., Ossola, A., Threlfall, C., Hahs, A.K., Williams, N.S.G., 2016. Soil carbon and carbon/nitrogen ratio change under tree canopy, tall grass, and turf grass areas of urban green space. Journal of Environmental Quality, 45 (1): 215-223. Special Issue The Urban Forest and Ecosystem Services. 
6*Ossola, A., Hahs, A.K., Livesley, S.J., 2015. Habitat complexity in managed urban ecosystems influences fine scale hydrological processes and the incidence of stormwater runoff. Journal of Environmental Management, 159: 1-10. 
5*Ossola, A., Nash, M.A., Christie, F., Hahs, A.K., Livesley, S.J. 2015. Urban habitat complexity affects species richness but not environmental filtering of morphologically-diverse ants. PeerJ 3:e1356. 
4Cerabolini, B., Pierce, S. Luzzaro, A., Ossola, A., 2010. Species evenness affects ecosystem processes in situ via diversity in the adaptive strategies of dominant species. Plant Ecology, 207(2): 333-345. 
3*Ossola, A., Brusa, G., Cerabolini, B., 2009. Biomass from seminatural grasslands as energy source: flash in the pan? Italian Botanist, 41(1): 39-45. 
2Cerabolini, B., Brusa, G., Ossola, A., Pierce, S., 2009. Native vegetation and greenhouse gas offsetting in Lombardy. Natura Bresciana: Annuario del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Brescia, 36: 257-251. 
1*Ossola, A., Brusa, G., Pierce, S., Cerabolini, B., 2007. Evaluation of the role of Lombardy Parks (Italy) for Carbon sequestration. Italian Botanist, 39(2): 333-341. 



2Ripple, W.J., Wolf, C., Newsome, T.M. et al, and 11,258 scientist signatories including Ossola, A., 2019. World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency. BioScience, 70(1): 8-12.
1Ripple, W.J., Wolf, C., Newsome, T.M. et al, and 11,258 scientist signatories including Ossola, A. 2019. World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency. BioScience, 70(1): 8-12.



12Gore, D.B., Manea, A., Johnston, P.G., Taylor, M.P., Ossola, A., Leishman, M.R., 2023. Final report, Breathing green life into industrial urban landscapes: A case study in the Strathfield local government area. Funded through Stream 2 (Stream 2 Green Innovations) of the NSW Greening our City program. ISBN 9781741385045. MQU_FinalReport_BreathingGreenLife_09Jan24.pdf
11Pringle, S., Davis, Z.G., Goddard, M.A., Dallimer, M., Hart, E., Le Goff, L.E., Langdale, S.J., et al., 2023. Robotics and Autonomous Systems for Environmental Sustainability: Monitoring Terrestrial Biodiversity. UK-RAS White papers. ISSN 2398-4422, DOI: 10.31256/WP2023.4 
10Cortez, S. J., Egerer, M., Kingsley, J., Lin, B., Marsh, P., Diekmann, L. O., Ossola, A., 2022. Gardening during COVID-19: Experiences from gardeners around the world. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
9Ossola, A., Le Roux, J., Leishman, M., 2020. Tree Root Intrusion of Sewerage Infrastructure in the Greater Sydney Region: Toward a Predictive Risk Model. Project Phase 2 - Final Report. 31.06.21
8Manea, A., Staas, L., Plant, L., Ossola, A., Beaumont, L., Power, S., Johnson, T., Gallagher, R., Griffiths, G. Leishman, M. (2021) Climate ready street tree trials: A best practice guide. Macquarie University, Western Sydney University, TREENET, Hort Innovation. Sydney, Australia.
7Ossola, A., Le Roux, J., Leishman, M., 2020. Tree Root Intrusion of Sewerage Infrastructure in the  Greater Sydney Region: Toward a Predictive Risk Model. Project Phase 1 - Final Report. 19.11.20
6Pfautsch, S., Rouillard, S., Wujeska-Krause, A., Bae, A., Vu, L., Manea, A., Tabassum, S., Staas, L., Ossola, A., Leishman, M., 2020. School Microclimates. Western Sydney University,, 56 pp.
5Ossola, A., et al., 2019. Our cities need more trees, but some commonly planted ones won't survive climate change. In Watson J (Ed). The Conversation Yearbook 2019. Melbourne University Press, 19th Nov 2019, ISBN 9780522876062, 248 pp.
4Ossola, A., Staas, L., Leishman, M., 2020. Urban trees and people's yards mitigate extreme heat in western Adelaide: final summary report. Macquarie University, North Ryde, Sydney., 24pp.
3Burley, H., Baumgartner, J.B., Ossola, A., Beaumont, L.J., 2018. Quantifying climatic tolerances, plant traits and climatic suitability models. Project Report Milestone 5 for Hort Innovation Australia.
2Burley, H., Baumgartner, J.B., Ossola, A., Beaumont, L.J., 2018. Quantifying climatic tolerances, plant traits and climatic suitability models. Project Report Milestone 6 for Hort Innovation Australia.
1Marchin, R.M., Ossola, A., Backes, D., Leishman, M., Ellsworth, D.S., 2018. Characterising the susceptibility and resilience to drought and heat waves in horticultural species. Project Report for Hort Innovation Australia.